36 building coloring page
building coloring page
Buildings Coloring pages. Select from 64630 printable Coloring pages of cartoons, animals, nature, Bible and many more. Buildings coloring pages … 0
Check out our building coloring page selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our … 1
Building coloring pages are great for school or home use. Try making your own little city by gluing different buildings onto a poster. Don't forget you can customize your coloring page by changing the font and text. Coloring Pages 1 - 20 of 92 Building Coloring Pages A Lighthouse Poem Coloring Page B is for Barn Coloring Page Bank Coloring Page 2
Buildings Coloring Pages. Download and print these Buildings coloring pages for free. Buildings coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages to develop creativity, focus, motor skills and color … 3
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Biggest School Building Coloring Page – Wecoloringpage.com 14
Apartment Building Coloring Page at GetColorings.com | Free printable colorings pages to print 15
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[Music], hey it's me now a lot of people in the, art community were taking coloring books, and coloring them as the proficient, artist that they are professional, artists coloring in a coloring book and, it's like woo i didn't jump on this, trend because i'm very uncomfortable, with calling myself a professional, artist when my art looks like this and, that and that which is fine i'm not, trying to put myself down art doesn't, have to be outstanding to be fun i know, for a lot of people who have like the, really amazing art skills they can turn, a coloring book page into a masterpiece, i feel like if i colored a coloring book, page it would just look like i colored a, coloring book page you know so i'm kind, of doing my own thing here of course of, course i just can never do the thing the, way you're supposed to do it i did used, to really love coloring books in fact i, have brought some of my old coloring, books in here for evidence i don't know, why i need evidence not like it's an, outrageous claim what it can't be not, that shocking uh we've got little's pet, shop we've got lisa frank disney and, strawberry shortcake i colored in i, think all of these, nope didn't color in that one there's, one colored didn't color in that okay, maybe i didn't love coloring books, colored that while the uh coloring book, challenge would be a great opportunity, to put these old coloring books to use, that have been on my shelf for 10 years, i'm gonna just step away from them i'm, still not going to use that so what i'm, going to do instead is i'm going to draw, my own coloring page and then i'm gonna, print it out and then i'm gonna color it, so this video really isn't all that, related to the trend when i thought of, this idea though for some reason i just, got really excited about it because it's, combining digital art and traditional, art and i get to have full control over, what my coloring page looks like and, also don't have the pressure of really, transforming something into a beautiful, piece of art because it's like okay it's, my original art so we we're just not, gonna take that lens on it let's move, into phase one where i actually start, creating my coloring page, i said let's move let's move go okay and, here's my little area my creative area, ew scratch that wait no don't scratch, anything okay uh hi i'm gonna start my, design and whoa there's a lot happening, already it's a little too intense it's, too much too soon let's take a step back, just pay no attention to the sketch, that's already on the canvas i uh got a, little over eager but don't worry about, it remember these they are the sky bears, i painted these chip clips in a recent, dollar store makeover video and i'm sure, you can't have forgotten them already, unless you skipped that week, i'm not gonna name any names you know, who you are but today i'll be taking, these characters to the next stage, beyond mere existence into, enlightenment, i don't know what i'm talking about i, think i've done too many voiceovers in, my time on this planet earth earth is, the one i'm on i think now there's, cloudy bear he's got his head in the, clouds he's actually just really tired, then there's rainbow bear she's sweet, and sunbear who's a literal ball of, energy and it's kind of a lot as a group, they make the sky bears now for today's, project i thought a lot about what i, wanted to do for my fantabulous coloring, book experience you see me trying to, hype this thing up i decided on bringing, the sky bears back because one i didn't, feel like i got to explore these, characters to the fullest i mean their, heads which is great it's very important, part of the body but i feel like the sky, bears you know they just hadn't reached, their fullest potential also you may, notice that a fourth bear has been born, right there in front of you ew, introducing rain bear he's sad he's so, sad he cries the tears of the entire, world poor rain bear it kind of sounds, like i'm saying rainbow with an, australian accent what reindeer no, currently struggling with his legs i, don't know why i'm failing to comprehend, what legs look like this is one of the, problems that comes from drawing from, your imagination your imagination is, whack and i'm using a big rainbow to, frame all the characters in then i spent, a lot of time fussing over stuff, changing things until i'm ready to do, the final outline i was quite happy to, be doing this outline digitally i, actually hate outlining with traditional, art supplies getting the fine line or, the micron pens, but doing it this way is so much better, because when you're using digital art, you can so much easier remove things, move things redo things as much as you, want but with that amount of flexibility, i had feelings i just feel like this, outline needs to be perfect it's never, permanently done it can always be fixed, can always just move something or change, something there's no excuse for a single, mistake here it has to be fantastic then, i realized you know it's probably best, that i don't get too carried away with, the details of the outline because i, really want to give myself plenty of, freedom in the coloring i don't want to, box myself in so i decided you know what, no i'm just going to keep the line art, really simple yes it's going to look, dumb but that way i can add the details, in when i actually go to color and, that's how i'll bring it to life and, here's the point where i obsess over, each individual pixel go ahead and erase, that pixel girl, i decided to give the rain bear's paw a, nice little appearance so that you know, he's holding onto that cloud doesn't, seem very safe or stable maybe not a, good idea but that's how he's doing and, some other things you know fixing up, doing it whatever once i got everything, the way i wanted i did a test print on, just regular old computer paper, surprisingly it looks pretty good well, you may think it looks like trash that's, rude i did notice some little micro, details that i wanted to fix up before, moving to the final print but after i've, gotten my full fix of obsession it's, time, i already know what sound effect i'm, going to put there i've printed the, final print and let's take a quick break, because this video is sponsored by, diamond art club if you've never heard, of diamond painting ah i have a kit, right here i have here the rainbow rose, kit i feel like it's gonna be easiest to, explain how this works by just showing, you many stuffs in here so it comes with, the canvas and all of the diamonds so, many little shinies 72 000 to be exact, diamond painting is a newer craft hobby, a lot like paint by number using shiny, rhinestones it's like paint by number, with a glow up the kids come with, everything you need to create a full, diamond painting of course the canvas, all the rhinestones all the tools that, you need and it's actually very simple, to use you just take the canvas peel, back the film it's a huge grid with all, kinds of different symbols that match, with each different color of a diamond, so using this little magic applicator, pen you dip it into the wax which allows, you to pick up the diamonds and then, simply stick them onto the canvas and, the process can be really relaxing and a, great way to unwind this is how the, final result will look it's so, satisfying to look at i can't wait to, hang it up in my studio if you would, like to try painting with diamonds check, the link in the description use code, mariah to get 25 off for new customers, and again thank you to diamond art club, for sponsoring this video and sending me, this amazing kit so with my final print, i used some kind of fancy paper i tested, a few different types of paper that were, fancy and this was the one that i liked, i'm not normally much of a paper snob i, mean i use computer paper on the reg but, i kind of wanted to do something nice, today and now is the epic moment, i'm really trying to inject drama into, this i'm overcompensating for the fact, that this isn't that exciting this is, where i switch out the ipad for the, paper switching between worlds traveling, dimensions i'm an art dimension traveler, no no i'm gonna get rid of these because, things may get a little messy here and, boom, it's a brand new set of watercolor, pencils i've always been intrigued by, watercolor pencils but after my last, horrible experience with trying to use, some of those nasty discount watercolor, pencils um it just about made me lose it, okay but i've upgraded to these new, pencils that are supposed to be much, nicer quality i guess we'll find out, today so i actually started testing some, of the colors on the test print double, test and i was gonna like you know take, the time to plan everything out i was, gonna be a good artist for once but then, i got bored and i'm like enough planning, i just want to art so getting into it a, big part of my reason for getting fancy, with the paper is that i wanted, something that was going to hold up, nicely with the watercolor and not get, all, like what paper do now i've actually, never looked into how to properly use, watercolor pencils might have been a, good idea before i use them in front of, potentially millions of people they are, very appealing to me because i love, using colored pencils and i love using, watercolor however using pencils on, large areas can be rather painful, watercolor is less painful but it's also, kind of difficult to control if you've, ever met water before it's all over the, place okay just likes to go everywhere, and drip and run, now that i've laid down a light layer of, pencil i'm just using a wet brush to, activate it and melt that color i don't, know i said that like i'm on a game show, i did like this process however it was, not perfect it worked great for some, colors while others really faded away, the blue in particular he just left us, he's like got a drink and i'm out of, here he was rude so i did have to go, back over all of it again to darken up, certain colors and it just was like a, little bit uneven and inconsistent but, it wasn't bad enough to change or start, over i did just continue with the same, process for the rest of the entire, rainbow and then we come to rain bear, the reason i added rain bear into the, group is mainly because the color, combination of pink orange and gray is, odd to me it's odd i don't love it i, didn't really choose it i had to go with, it because that was the color of the, chip clips so i want to add another, color to put in there does adding blue, to this color scheme really help out i, feel like maybe green or teal but i went, with this rainy blue and if you notice, something different about the sadness of, rain bear you're absolutely correct this, is no ordinary sadness this is not my, hat's on too tight not to dismiss you, grumpy cat your feelings are real but, rain bear feels the weight of the, world's sadness if you've ever felt sad, rain bear cried a tear for you so the, next time you feel sad double it because, you're not only sad but you're making, rain bear cry so feel guilty about that, it's not just rain bear who feels things, okay all the sky bears exist in the most, intense form of emotion cloudy bear is, not just tired he's exhausted in fact, it's rare to see him awake maybe a, couple times a year he opens his eyes, sunbear has this amount of bright energy, that's enough to scare you rainbow bear, is so painfully sweet she never says, anything negative it's so sweet it's, disgusting now i'm just finishing up, with the first layer of the art which is, the watercolor pencil that did work out, pretty well just to cover some ground, but it's definitely not looking nice the, next phase i'm gonna move on from the, watercolors and go in with my regular, colored pencils this is where i'm gonna, really try to brighten up some areas, bring in some shadows highlights, contrast dimension all the art words and, this is where i started to really have a, lot of fun with this coloring page like, i said i did enjoy coloring books at one, point in my life i did step away from, them pretty quickly mainly because for, me a big part of the fun with art is, coming up with the ideas you know i like, to create new characters and come up, with like stupid little stories that you, have to hear, and with coloring books the idea is, already worked out for you which for a, lot of people that's the appeal for me i, like to do my own thing you know i don't, like to be told what to do this was a, lot more fun for me personally because i, did kind of get the coloring book, experience but i also got to create my, own idea as well and speaking of my, ideas these are the sky bears right um, right but notice they're all daytime sky, bears what if there was a completely new, set of sky bears that rule the skies at, night, maybe one day i'll design the night sky, bears if you would like to see that if, not i mean let's be real i'll probably, do it anyway let me tell you i really, tried with this coloring okay i tried i, know it may not be the best remember, this okay this is what i come from but i, wanted it to look like the sun is, casting a bright yellow light on one, side of everything and then there's like, a bluish purple shadow of sadness that, is coming from rain bear and it's, creeping on the other side uh kind of, bummed that we didn't get to see rainbow, bears body not to sound creepy i mean, she does have a paw now which is great, love the paw but she's pretty much still, existing as a head um and that's, nobody's fault but my own because i drew, her like that but i didn't really, consider that i'd be robbing everyone of, the experience of seeing what the rest, of her design looks like i'm sad about, it oh my gosh i'm making rain bear cry, stop i'm sorry i'm not sad with the, coloring i really just kept on building, and layering really trying to get a nice, dynamic feel to it i wasn't going for, realism clearly but i am trying to like, get some dimension you know like make it, alive eventually i did get to a place, where i'm pretty happy with it and just, adding some last details and here is the, final piece i think this came out pretty, cool you can definitely see the texture, of the paper coming through i try to, like blend and cover over that i have, mixed feelings about it don't know if i, like it other than that i think it looks, pretty good i love the light of the sun, and how that looks in the rest of the, piece i'm so happy to have brought the, sky bears back and brought them more to, life than they were before i loved the, experience of this and being able to, combine digital and traditional art into, one project it was really fun and cool i, hope you guys like this thank you so, much for watching and i'll see you next, week bye
Reddit Images 81
![The Spokesman Review building is the 24th Spokane location that I've drawn and turned into a coloring book page.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/yv8CtTe_7V9TXt8mr4RiC5ZLLHd8b6yD2w8bDzegOVs.jpg)
The Spokesman Review building is the 24th Spokane location that I've drawn and turned into a coloring book page. 0
![Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/lbAEi0F64VSIAbHxi4VWKYtlgfNqM-kfT2bR_Sqlt88.jpg)
Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe 1
![page coloring for ch 171.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/hBFm25aQbNRJmIZqNO8oy1ZZv6Bo0vxm-W_8dQ0pvZs.jpg)
page coloring for ch 171. 2
![Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page)](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/XZo1NzuSPkC8WLy7M0_FrsM0L_zHcPPT1ubZumUa_CM.jpg)
Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page) 3
![[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/VFVEf9PU99KuWqs0aJmoig5ZLlmEurIH9KVdH7n-PIY.jpg)
[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book 4
![[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/UpND8E4BNg1WhQTCR-abwBBWY92st_o_Fk8WDcz91bk.jpg)
[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts! 5
![First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts?](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/_2Tnv58bRUka8-J_Emi0h7RWEwoPRJ8bku9Puf1X_7Y.jpg)
First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts? 6
![Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/2WMOLIbd6Bn01dzzddA-u0galNhH0R93ZRpI11T8glk.jpg)
Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book 7
![{Artwork} Finally finished working on the coloring of this mask-less Spider-Gwen. It's about 98% pencils, with 2% of it in gel pen. It's a page from Marvel's WOMEN OF POWER coloring book, w/original art by Emanuela Lupacchino from Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #6 (Cover B Variant).](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/YAEfhyom4uwT9osbCGOcZgAkzZyaOI82wYYQYjgwxUw.jpg)
{Artwork} Finally finished working on the coloring of this mask-less Spider-Gwen. It's about 98% pencils, with 2% of it in gel pen. It's a page from Marvel's WOMEN OF POWER coloring book, w/original art by Emanuela Lupacchino from Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #6 (Cover B Variant). 8
![My coloring of the cover page for Ch. 159](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/qNOcmXJuKiU6GWZ82l7FaEeS0ORzjAGI9czq5ih7WCU.jpg)
My coloring of the cover page for Ch. 159 9
![This took SO many hours and it isn't even technically the first page... Maybe I should have picked something easier for my first time trying adult coloring, but I've always been ambitious.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/orqUuZs6ZGCOU747mH_2ezUM5oAjuP4DqxskrYUqnWU.jpg)
This took SO many hours and it isn't even technically the first page... Maybe I should have picked something easier for my first time trying adult coloring, but I've always been ambitious. 10
![Colored a page in my Horror Coloring Book (with colored pencils)! Available on Amazon + 5 Free Downloadable Coloring Pages 💀 See links in comments, thank you!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/rk1uLp7wuu9iM6e4SGKezC3oRXIyl7x8G1lhWXGGPqg.jpg)
Colored a page in my Horror Coloring Book (with colored pencils)! Available on Amazon + 5 Free Downloadable Coloring Pages 💀 See links in comments, thank you! 11
![I TRIED to colour this Melanie Martinez coloring book page.I'll do more of these.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/L7mEBp38e5e6AFCm9O_9MeAJAbT-bPtp2LPtjJJ7mWw.jpg)
I TRIED to colour this Melanie Martinez coloring book page.I'll do more of these. 12
![I colored an Empires-themed page from the latest Hermits and Friends Coloring Book](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Tb8Sw-bmXcXReY_VEcQ6HwfbKAMX6dnP5v9kNHvCnT0.jpg)
I colored an Empires-themed page from the latest Hermits and Friends Coloring Book 13
![coloring page!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/WkXxlRF1JzkMMfVU62btsTkn_a7HjLfHr7_CKbd-zmA.jpg)
coloring page! 14
![HEAT 2 - coloring page](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/PFgK_yBNPv12AVL9RzdzYl4at9tHuha5DX3xgL8MAjI.jpg)
HEAT 2 - coloring page 15
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