55 a coloring page
a coloring page
OWL Coloring Pages for Adults. Free Detailed Owl Coloring Pages 0
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Welcome to the world of super coloring pages. From your child’s favorite animals, cartoon characters, and sweet treats to cars, airplanes, and spaceships they can find many pages to … 6
Super coloring - free printable coloring pages for kids, coloring sheets, free colouring book, illustrations, printable pictures, clipart, black and white pictures, line art and drawings. … 7
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Pumpkin Coloring Page. Our free printable pumpkin coloring page sheets provide you with a variety of pumpkins to color, of all shapes and sizes. Additionally, we provide you with a variety … 10
Free Printable Pumpkin Coloring Pages. The set comes in a high-resolution pdf file with a group of 10 coloring pages. The sign-up for the free download link is at the bottom of this post. You … 11
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today i'm going to color another color, in book illustration and i'll be using, every single color in the largest marker, set, oh my gosh it's like i like to punish, myself for something so i hope you're, ready so let's go, so i'm going to use this flower glass, coloring book by amsterdams again, but first here is miss from last time, if you watch that video you know how, nervous i was to even attempt this but, she came out stunning i'm gonna name her, daphne rosalie i think it just fits her, vibe so well so thank you guys for the, suggestions, and now to look for one for today, so because i'm trying to use every, single marker i want to find, one with loads of flowers in the, background something like this, where you can really color each, individual one, or maybe each of the twists in a, different color, okay so i love this vibe so i'm actually, thinking of doing something quite, different so instead of just coloring, the girl normally and then making a, super colorful background i want to, inject loads of color into our main girl, as well i don't know if you've seen, those portraits that are super super, super colorful so i want maybe like a, yellow orange on this side going over to, a gradient of purples and blues on the, other side i'm going to use this black, test page to figure out my color, placements but before we get into the, coloring a few of my favorites i've also, done similar videos so drawing with, fluffles and super easily and i think in, rin's video she swatched it as she used, this but i don't think i can do that, because i think i would need to know, what swatches are what before i actually, pick the colors you know it's time to, swatch these i think here are all the, markers i've got this on ultrawide, framing because this is what it would, look like normally but to barely get it, all in, my frame is the swatch cards are in here, should i pour it all out or 300 markers, oh my gosh, [Music], i might as well just start trying to, group here, pouring the markers like that was, definitely a mistake because it went, absolutely everywhere when i say under, the table, just all over the place, and i'm just trying to group it roughly, so this is more so like i can work in, sections of color rather than a whole, jumbled up mess, and actually i don't understand why who, don't sell the markers like this already, i feel like i really struggle to see a, wide range of colors when it's just, jumbled up, do you care if your markers and your, color pencils are grouped or is it just, however it comes, oh my gosh we are done that's 25 minutes, i think i've got everything in here off, of the floors now to actually swatch, them, the swatching process was really long, and kind of tedious, but i think it's such an important step, because the colors on the caps don't, necessarily match the actual ink on the, inside so having a swatch and just, having a reference card helps to make, sure that the color you're picking is, really the color you're trying to pick, basically, i am really impressed by the color, coloring but in another breath who needs, these many greens, who needs these many blues who need, these many pinks and purples, for one piece you definitely don't need, these many colors, a lot of them are very similar so if, you're thinking about buying a set like, this i think it's absolutely not, necessary but shout out to who for, sending me these it's a nice wide, variety but, low key unnecessary, so i'm nearing the end i still have some, blank spaces and at this point, it's a mission to try to find one random, color, i'm trying to go through line by line, it's giving where's waldo trying to read, the name off of the card and trying to, find one particular color it is long, so here are all the swatch cards i, managed to find all of the swatches on, these two cards i'm actually quite, surprised about the variety of grays, we've got but i'm nothing like the earth, tones i'm surprised at the number of, rounds we've got as well actually on, these two bro i'm missing three of the, swatches and at this point i can't die, looking for these markers, i tried in it the markers also have this, new design with this you know cut out, which i think is pretty cute comparing, it to the older ones this is the brush, tip marker and this is another chisel, tip but here is what each marker looks, like, chisel tip on one side and the lip nip, on the other and now it is coloring time, so i'm thinking if i use the yellows, on the right side of her face and i can, go from like lighter to darker then on, the transition we want to use orange and, then from orange i want to go to like, the purples this is a bit of like a, harsh lighting, and then we'll have some like i know, it's looking a mess, i would say trust me but i don't even, know if i trust me let's be real and, then we can have like the sharp reds, and this, corner and then the hair, i'm going to pick a slightly lighter, yellow, can have like the highlights of yellow, coming on this side, and then we can pick some of the earth, tone to blend out the hair but the idea, is the hair is meant to be quite dark so, it will build up to, a really dark color i think on this side, i want to bring in some of the, highlights so we'll have some blues, greens so the hair will still be this, dark color you just have, like the highlights and the glows from, these other colors and the point is to, use different variations and different, shades of these colors to hopefully, blend into each other i don't want to, use color and pencils for this piece, because it is like a marker, challenge, i can bring in some purples, i don't know i don't know it's looking a, mess and then what i had in my mind was, yellow to red to pink going down here, and then blue to purple maybe green to, blue to purple going here and so i cover, the entire rainbow so i'm just gonna, quickly mark, where the main colors will go oh my gosh, where the gray's gonna go in her clothes, in her clothes but the thing is it can't, just be great it needs to be like super, colorful as well some of it will have to, go in her hair, oh my gosh this is gonna be so difficult, um yeah i don't even have the energy to, look at the swatches if i'm gonna be, real just got too much to do i don't, know how we're gonna use all of those, grays for the leaves i could start with, like lighter greens up here, and then go to like midtone greens in, the middle, where i'm coloring this is so higgy and, haggard so keep greens on this side but, more earthy greens, on this side since we got to opie tones, okay so the great thing about this, tester page is that i can play around, with things and decide what i want to, move forward with so i haven't colored, in the background yet maybe the gray can, be the background since there'll be so, much color i think that's actually a, great idea so i'll start with the, background and then see how i'm feeling, for the skin so what i'm going to do so, that you know and believe i am using, every single color is that i've got this, completely in frame so you can see me, actually going through so i really want, to work through a whole section and then, move on so i'll put them in here and, then put them back before i continue, i'm going to use this little key on the, bottom left to tick off when i've done a, whole section, [Music], i'm starting with the yellows and kind, of easing into the oranges and hopefully, in the end it'll form a nice blend, but from that tester page you can, already see that i have an idea of what, i want but i don't have a clear, direction everything is still kind of up, in the air, if you watched my daiso dollar store, video i was explaining about how i kind, of had art block recently and i think, doing challenges like this really helps, because firstly i'm doing it in a, coloring book so, i don't have to worry about making a, super accurate sketch or a nice, illustration, but also having the challenge of using, every single marker color has really, expanded what the outcome can look like, but also that kind of restriction just, really brings out creativity so i'm, excited to try this even if i'm very, nervous, i don't really think it'll get this deep, i need a second pot, a midway check-in, i'm quite surprised that i basically, used all of the yellows and oranges from, here and i've not covered that much so, all of a sudden this challenge feels, doable, [Music], continuing on to the reds and the pinks, i'm not really trying to be accurate by, what exactly each flower is i don't know, my flowers anyway, so if something is meant to be blue, enough coloring in pink i'm sorry in it, but for the most part i'm trying to use, one or two colors for the base and then, adding in detail with so much the deeper, tones for each color, i also tried to change up the camera, view so you're not just looking at the, same thing top down but best believe i'm, still doing the same thing of taking the, marker from the left and then putting it, in the cups on the right when i'm done, with it, so i am nearly done with the first, section the yellows oranges to red and, pinks i really like how this is turned, out actually i think i'm missing some, oranges and reds so i'd like to move on, to the next section so i'm gonna put, these back and the ones i didn't use, from this section i'm gonna keep them, here, i think i'll need them more for the, neutral bit so they can stay here, okay, so time to move on to the reds and, purples, in each color section i'm really trying, to get a wide range of values so i've, got some, darker reds and i'm adding some darker, purples but i'm also trying to get some, light values as well because, if you look at the marker set i've got a, lot of pastely kind of colours as well, like the really light pinks and the, lilacs, so this will be a good place to add that, [Music], and i think next to this section i'll, probably do the neutrals so i'm also, trying to edge into some of the more, mauve colors so this feels like a good, place for these colors, i've got these purples remaining and i, think they'll be good and used with, these later so i'm gonna add them to, this section and i'm gonna move on to, this section, [Music], and now it's time for the greens, so green is not one of my favorite, colors in life i don't know why i just, i'm not a big fan however sometimes i, see the vision there's some shades of, green that i'm like oh okay i hear that, but for this piece i'm not really trying, to do green flowers really because green, is going to be used all over the piece, for the leaves, and like i said on the tester page i can, go from like lighter greens at the top, and then going deeper as i go down the, page, and i could also do more of the you know, khaki and the foresty kind of greens is, that the right word i don't know but i, can do more of those with the neutral, flower colors so i'm not really trying, to do green flowers in this step i just, want to have some sort of a link between, the yellow on the top right and then the, blues in the top left, at this point i still have loads of, blues to go so i'm going to use some of, these extra colors just to add some, shading add some details really expand, the values for each of the flowers, [Music], the blues are more or less done i've, left spaces for the leaves that i'll, come back to and the final thing i want, to do is i want the bottom left section, to be neutrals, so i want to do this palish faded kind, of purple and maybe use that as a buffer, to get to the neutral section, yeah i'm not really sure about that, though, okay so i am done with all of my blues, and purples and i'm really really liking, it i'm gonna leave the greens till last, to go around where i've got all the, colors so i'm just going to bring these, that i haven't used out and i will put, them on this side, and then i'm going to put these that i, have used back in place, i think i'm now going gonna do the, browns, this is probably the riskiest part of, this whole coloring process actually, coloring the girl is gonna be a mess, with the colorful idea i have but i have, so many neutrals i've got this entire, top left section of neutrals and i had, to google some different color flowers i, found some brown flowers that are quite, nice so i'm thinking of doing the big, focal point flower there in brown, and then using some of the other browns, to add some details, it's obviously a bit of a risk because, brown flowers to me gives the flowers, are dead, like you barely kept it alive, but it also could turn out so nice so, without reference this is kind of hard, but i'm just trying to use the different, colors to add some detail and to add, some blending and i'm not going to lie, to you i am liking how this is looking, [Music], and now i've managed to use most of the, neutrals i'm quite shocked, but the remaining browns i'm just using, it we've got some small small flowers in, the bottom left, and i'm just using it to just quickly, one or two lines each because, i can't see where else it can go to be, honest, [Music], so, done with the browns and i actually love, how this big brown flower tender now the, last section i have not touched is this, gray section everything else has been, used can you believe it okay so i'm, going to return the earth tone skin, tones whatever back to this section, then i'm going to do the greens, this is probably the easiest part of, this entire video because there's so, many leaves on the page there's so many, different shades of green i can use one, for the base and i can use another one, to add some detail to add shading add, dots the different flowers almost demand, for a different shade of green in the, first place as well, [Music], so this is quite an exciting stage and i, actually think it just helps to tie the, entire piece together now it's becoming, one piece it's looking quite cohesive, and i am loving this floral background, okay so greens are done and i actually, love how this is looking so this is the, last section of barely tied i'm going to, put them out here so that i remember, that i still need to use them and turn, the rest of it to a trifle spot, the next day a girl is tired it has to, get done today so, i've got my grey markers these are the, ones i haven't touched yet i'm going to, use those but before i work on the, background i'm going to work on the, colorful face that we practiced over, here that was a bit of a haggard mess, we're going to try that again but, hopefully be a bit nicer let's go, i'm so surprised that we've used nearly, every color in this final set the only, colors we haven't used there are those, grays that you see out in the parts, and it's crazy because when i thought, about doing this challenge in the first, place i just fought on an a4 piece tell, me are you crazy, and lo and behold we've been able to use, every single color and it's not even, just one swipe once i've been coloring, actual flowers and actual shapes with, each and every single color i'm just, happy that we're near the end and now, for the face this is definitely the most, nerve-wracking part, i was initially considering only using, all of the colors on the background and, then making her look quite natural but i, just thought the point of this challenge, is for me to challenge myself, so this is the perfect kind of piece to, try a dynamic lighting and there's a big, risk that it just wouldn't turn out nice, but honestly and i say this in every, single coloring page this is just a fun, video if it turns out higginha good okay, we'll learn from it and next time it'll, be even better so i started with the, fiery right side so the yellows and the, oranges, and then i've gone into the cooler, warmer colors i'm not really sure how to, combine it in the middle of her face but, i'm definitely liking how it's turning, out and i'm using some of the, fluorescent colors in this set, and i think it just makes her look so, vibrant and it pops greatly, [Music], next for her hair i'm just going to, apply what i want the highlight colors, to be, so i've started with yellow to orange, and red on the right side and then blue, to green and maybe purples on the left, side this is where i'm completely going, in blind, because, i actually have no idea how this will, turn out i'm kind of just following the, flow of the hair and hoping for the best, now i'm adding in some browns and i, actually want her hair color, to be very dark the purpose of all of, these light colors is just because i, have to worry about how i'm applying the, markers because i'm not going to use, color and pencils over the top bright, highlight colors need to show through, after i do the dark colors i really hope, that makes sense so i'm working slowly, down to the darker colors, and now it's looking colorful some may, say chaotic but i say dynamic, and so i'm finally reaching out for some, of these grays that i haven't used for, the piece yet just to try to mute the, colors a little bit, still adding some of the actual colors, because i want to keep the colors there, but now i can slightly go darker and, darker with the hair, [Music], i am loving how this is looking i think, the hint of color in the hair is exactly, what i was going for, just gonna finish off our lady and the, skin, and then we can move on to the, background just gonna quickly washi tape, [Music], picking this background color wasn't, easy and i ended up cutting this out but, i tried a few different grays on the, actual peas and i wanted something that, was light enough so that it wasn't, distracting but i actually wish i went, darker for the background, but it is what it is i'm not too mad at, this medium gray that i settled on, and now the background is done the final, thing i need to do to complete this, challenge is to finish the grazed art in, these pots, so my idea behind this is just to use it, for some shadowing and some blending in, the hair but also for some detail in, some of these flowers, so some of these grays should form nice, subtle changes in tone which can really, help so if you have a smaller set and, you have a couple of grays, adding gray to your color can just help, to make a slightly darker version of, that color, and oh my gosh the pot is finally empty, the final thing in here is a colorless, blender there's not much i can do with, this so i don't think it really counts, but we are done okay the final thing i, need to do for the actual piece is for, the top i was initially just going to, use the grays to keep it kind of neutral, but i think it needs to be somewhat, colorful so i'm just going to add hints, of color and then we can call it a day, using every single marking the largest, set challenge accepted and completed i, added some more details and shading off, camera but here is what the completed, piece is looking like i love that i, really challenged myself with this one, to make her colorful and all dynamic and, all of that and i really like how it, turned out let me know what we should, name her down in the comments and i'm, sure you'll love my other coloring book, videos next
Transform any Image into a "Magic" Coloring Page,Ask HN: Please review my photos to coloring pages startupReallyColor.com officially launched about a month ago (end of Sep 2013) and is being bootstrapped by one of my partners and I. Our tech lets you convert your images into printable coloring book pages. Our primary target is parents (mostly moms) and people who are interested in turning themselves into sketches.
We are noticing a large amount of initial interest in the idea itself, and have seen some initial traction and traffic on our site, but our repeat visitors so far are barely over 10%. Our audience is also more international than expected. We have not built a mobile app yet, but that will be a project soon.
I would love feedback on:
1) Our membership pricing/offerings and what you think about how we tell the user about it.
2) Whether a monthly premium membership would be better than an annual one. Keep in mind our international audience.
3) Other revenue generating ideas (other than advertising).
4) The general user experience (both creating the free coloring page and as a free member).
5) How a mobile app could play into this given that the coloring pages are printable (via PDFs).
Any other thoughts and feedback are also welcome. Thank you!.
,Show HN: A coloring book of data structures and algorithmsI'm making a coloring book of data structures and algorithms for programmers and students. So far I have a prototype page for a sorting algorithm (albeit a rather simple one).
Here the Selection Sort coloring pages you can print.
And here is how I colored mine.
A coloring book is not quite enough to teach algorithms on its own, but I really get a lot from visual reinforcement of what I learn from books/lectures.
Do you think having coloring pages like this could be a helpful addition to the usual studying approach of textbooks, lectures and online coding practice?
Or is it just a fun little break from coding without too much educational value?.
,A FORTRAN Coloring Book,Ask HN: First Client IssuesI am a hiding my name because this is my first client and I don't want people to go looking for my company (though that might be great advertising).
I've got a client that I know through multiple relationship maps (former co-worker of my wife and sibling of a friend of a friend) and while I was not a friend of the sibling, I was an acquaintance.
Client has a cousin doing her Graphical Design but the GD doesn't have any web experience. GD sent over three PDFs, one of all the products, one of the website, and one of the website specs. The website specs did not contain sizing information for the images or the pages, it contained font/spacing/coloring/page flow information.
I asked the GD for the sizing of the web page and was provided an answer. There was some functionality in the site design which I discussed with the client and removed (GD was inaccessible) based on an agreement.
I finished the site and client reviewed making a few changes. Did a second review and then sent the link to the GD for their review. GD commented on the proportions being off and the distortion of some images. I agreed that the dimensions were off, but that's what I was told to go with and if the measurements I have are not right, I need to know what they should be.
I reached out to the GD via phone and e-mail. Did not hear back until I received an e-mail from the client to both of us.
Basically the e-mail's tone was that of threatening if I couldn't finish the project client would find someone who could and that if the GD can't get me the information than the Client doens't know what I'll need. And yadda yadda yadda.
So the question is:
Do I suck it up and make the changes or do I just write this off as a learning experience?
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Long time lurker...
,Show HN: Circumflex, browse HN in your terminalSome two years ago, I found myself spending a lot of time in the terminal between learning vim and discovering new command line tools. I was surprised to see that the niche of HN clis was (relatively) small, and so I decided to write my own command line tool for browsing HN called `circumflex`(`clx`).
`clx` is written in Go using Bubble Tea[1]. You can read the comment section or the linked article in reader mode in the pager `less`.
Using `lesskey` to add custom keybindings, the replies can be collapsed and expanded in real-time (but not individual replies, only all replies at once). Behind the scenes I am appending invisible unicode characters to each line so that I can use the custom keybindings to filter them out. The same technique is used to allow for jumping between top-level comments.
I spent a lot of time thinking about syntax highlighting and finding relevant bits to highlight while also not going overboard with colors. The end result is highlighting of things I find useful for providing context in the comment section, like indicating parent poster and original poster, coloring references, coloring indentations as well as formatting YC startups.
Other quality of life features include adding submissions as favorites (it is stored as a pretty-printed json so you can check it into your vcs to allow for readable diffs). Submissions are marked as read and new comments are indicated with a bullet point.
[1] https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea.
,Ask HN: Hiring managers and recruiters, how much does resume layout matter?I work at Big 4 and interview people regularly. I get to see the resumes of people who have passed 'resume round' and are now mostly subject to the feedback of the interviewers.
I'm constantly shocked out how many resumes I see that follow none of the best practices everyone involved in 'resume review' talks about. College students with 2+ page resumes. Poor layout choices. Overall 'unprofessional' (font choice, size, coloring, etc) looking. Lots of extra details about their pet, choir, etc. that we're always told to omit unless we're applying at the student union.
Honestly, none of this bothers me. I firmly care more about their accomplishments and ability to perform in the interview than how their PDF looks. But it surprises me that it doesn't seem to concern the people who review candidates purely on their resume. Given some of these resumes, you'd think it was done entirely by a computer. Is it?
Curious what recruiters and hiring managers think about traditional resume best-practices and how much they care about 'bad looking' resumes..
,Ask HN: Best place for tech blog?There's no lack of options for a general purpose blog — Medium and Ghost and WordPress all seem great — but it's unclear what the best choice for a tech-focused one is. In particular, I'd like to include code snippets with syntax colouring and embed D3 visualizations. An enjoyable reading experience is the primary concern; ease of authoring less so.
Is a static site (say, using GitHub Pages) the best choice? The built-in discovery and sharing features of Medium are attractive, but I'm unsure if a blog about niche programming topics will benefit from them. Any options beyond the mainstream blogging platforms that I should consider?.
Reddit Images 13
![someone asked me if i could make this sandwing a coloring page, so here you have it! the RULES are in the comments!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/HoQrlieTyg2no00mruPMx1nEG9Xqj041CpqzJIYwARQ.jpg)
someone asked me if i could make this sandwing a coloring page, so here you have it! the RULES are in the comments! 0
![I made a coloring page.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/UKGtpWshxwCj9_vag4oLw36OmA9dbBtK14dJ_ZqJA9o.jpg)
I made a coloring page. 1
![Coloring Page for work. I think I bit off more than I can chew. Would anyone be able to make this into a coloring page??](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/rXGa3ixeORNPpcXcim7jNUGHkWNtl4VEKltWaWUi7UQ.jpg)
Coloring Page for work. I think I bit off more than I can chew. Would anyone be able to make this into a coloring page?? 2
![The inside of my kids’ toothpaste box is a coloring page.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/4DQP91s7pCB0RYKbuTpXki2eo7aJQQY09zwjCHatB5E.jpg)
The inside of my kids’ toothpaste box is a coloring page. 3
![I made a coloring page ✨](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/vA7QiDtSwLjpkbPBMcAzey7qwHP2JglfF6HWXhz11J0.jpg)
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I designed this sticker, and it has a coloring page on the back! 5
![Working on a coloring page. Any suggestions?](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/q198m-WcgnmrDlbMRstDTkpXF2y2jfpgmDmJsUJGpCA.jpg)
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![Finally finished a coloring page! 😝](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/7zxJxascnhu5-F2vDzA3fcrbTpGKZKIHrDVrD7BP15s.jpg)
Finally finished a coloring page! 😝 7
![I made a coloring page for the kids at our theater because we play The little Witch by Otfried Preußler. It turned out quite lovely and maybe other little witches would like to do some coloring too!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/_e4o2_NenkN93cTrafetVE9gBlf-hT_-LlZuH4-DhFw.jpg)
I made a coloring page for the kids at our theater because we play The little Witch by Otfried Preußler. It turned out quite lovely and maybe other little witches would like to do some coloring too! 8
![Can anyone turn this into a coloring page?](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/a3kzfG562hjS5QYLsgrOqV1wlY9OPsgf64k095IYMUc.jpg)
Can anyone turn this into a coloring page? 9
![Hey Mom, I had surgery a week ago and today I drew a coloring page on my phone and printed it and started coloring it. Most of my fam didn't really care when I showed them, but I thought you might.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/iOm-QgSauZObLU0doZRMPrEg9O-pxX42tpCKSSxDivI.jpg)
Hey Mom, I had surgery a week ago and today I drew a coloring page on my phone and printed it and started coloring it. Most of my fam didn't really care when I showed them, but I thought you might. 10
![a coloring page](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/p0Rj-g5tZV0RZ7Oq15Qh-RJHzq0dNK-4frEFTL0Jbks.jpg)
a coloring page 11
![A coloring page for a friend hewe. I tried my best 🙈](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/1X36QqPdbHIyQaerwB9j0fLoUWXgrosSr-SUBbZs2Pw.jpg)
A coloring page for a friend hewe. I tried my best 🙈 12
![Wake up! It's gameday r/Sixers! This is my second piece in A book stating the obvious. Swipe through for the first part of the series and a coloring page version of Georges Niang.](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/uU5FiCPo2RAbBTkedXAqYrN1_ekxM6qhHicRYephlH8.jpg)
Wake up! It's gameday r/Sixers! This is my second piece in A book stating the obvious. Swipe through for the first part of the series and a coloring page version of Georges Niang. 13
![Working on Modifying a Coloring Page.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/c6JsMOOswmZh1bdEoEbqWnofTFCgkn5DjVSoKujOu7k.jpg)
Working on Modifying a Coloring Page. 14
![some 🔥 in a banana wood 🤩 (yes i used a coloring page as a makeshift tray😂)](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/OdjlShKUEFDT10eIoX_zgZg8WoZTAJ5U2LwFs-kFzEI.jpg)
some 🔥 in a banana wood 🤩 (yes i used a coloring page as a makeshift tray😂) 15
![[OC] Made this as a coloring page about trying to work through some creative hurdles. Apologies if this isn't considered Heavy, or Art, or Heavy Art.](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/7RiSWXGwmh8G9vxARyhKC9wqNX9fNxUy0JxiJTVwK-0.jpg)
[OC] Made this as a coloring page about trying to work through some creative hurdles. Apologies if this isn't considered Heavy, or Art, or Heavy Art. 16
![I turned a coloring page I drew into a watercolor painting. Watercolor, ink, and a tiny sticker.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/iKYed-ckRivcUlo7c8_hFolVXqnF-fnnZbWoIamyKQU.jpg)
I turned a coloring page I drew into a watercolor painting. Watercolor, ink, and a tiny sticker. 17
![Phantoms, my work depicting the Hat Man, Shadow People and the Crone. Created using various brush/multiliner pens, as a coloring page for my horror coloring book.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/ITQzGzqi91msuQK9_OGRSxm6utbn-AAVTBvnTL2PNrE.jpg)
Phantoms, my work depicting the Hat Man, Shadow People and the Crone. Created using various brush/multiliner pens, as a coloring page for my horror coloring book. 18
![Made this when I was coloring in a coloring page from Valentines Day, thought I'd share, Happy Birthday 3rd Life](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/fKb_Ro6ngJKVnj3feUsH2KoGUTFfSAKg17ugngmHvHU.jpg)
Made this when I was coloring in a coloring page from Valentines Day, thought I'd share, Happy Birthday 3rd Life 19
![I drew the main euphoria characters. It could be used as a coloring page template.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/LsTPNb78a-wfiVWtd6bIn8jbVLc1Hn8LGroadwJpkMM.jpg)
I drew the main euphoria characters. It could be used as a coloring page template. 20
What are letter a coloring pages?, What are letter a coloring pages?, What are the benefits of coloring pages for kids?, What are the benefits of coloring pages for kids?, What kind of animals are on the coloring pages?, What kind of animals are on the coloring pages? , What are letter a coloring pages?, What are letter a coloring pages?, What are the benefits of coloring pages for kids?, What are the benefits of coloring pages for kids?, What kind of animals are on the coloring pages?, What kind of animals are on the coloring pages?
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