30 coloring page ant
coloring page ant
Ants Coloring pages. Select from 64296 printable Coloring pages of cartoons, animals, nature, Bible and many more. 0
Aug 13, 2013 · The insect coloring pages depicting these ants are quite popular among kids. As the ants come in different shapes, sizes and colors, it allows for greater experimentation with … 1
Ant coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages 2
Free Pictures Of Ants For Kids, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart Library 3
Free Printable Ant Coloring Pages For Kids 4
Cute Ant Coloring Page - Free Clip Art 5
Ant coloring pages to download and print for free 6
Toonpeps : Free Printable Ant Coloring Pages For Kids - Coloring Home 7
Feb 09, 2022 · Color and Write Ant - Download Art Supplies You and your kids can add backgrounds to the white spaces on these coloring pages. Green grass, dirt, pebbles, or any … 8
Ant coloring pages to download and print for free 9
This ant coloring page is a good example of teaching words and facts about ants. Ant Coloring Pages For Younger and Older Children. While coloring ant coloring pages, you can be … 10
Free Printable Ant Coloring Pages For Kids 11
Ants . Cute ant smiling. Coloring photos – free and easy printable coloring pages and worksheets for kids. Pintables, coloring sheets, photos, free coloring books and printable … 12
Download, color, and print these Ant-man coloring pages for free. Ant-man coloring pages will help your child focus on details, develop creativity, concentration, motor skills, and color … 13
ant-coloring-page-for-toddlers.jpg (787×787) | Toddler coloring book, Insect coloring pages, Ants 14
Ants marching coloring pages download and print for free 15
Free Printable Ant Coloring Pages For Kids 16
Cute Cartoon Ant - Cliparts.co 17
Free Printable Ant Coloring Pages For Kids 18
Ant Color Page - Coloring Home 19
Ant Color Page - Coloring Home 20
Cute Cartoon Ant coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages 21
Smiling Baby Ants Coloring Pages | Best Place to Color 22
Coloring Pages | Ant Coloring Pages for Kids 23
Ants coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages 24
Ant Coloring Pages - Kidsuki 25
Ant coloring pages to download and print for free 26
Fire Ants coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages 27
Free Printable Ant Coloring Pages For Kids 28
Ants Coloring Pages - Coloring Home 29
Big Eyed Ants Coloring Pages | Best Place to Color 30
Free Printable Ant Coloring Pages For Kids 31
Ants Coloring Printables for Kids 32
Red Wood Ant coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages 33
Ant Coloring Pages - Kidsuki 34
the first thing we want to do before we, color any of the organs is to put in the, muscles, now you can use any color you want for, any of these things as long as you, coordinate your color up here with the, box down here so I've chosen a brown for, my muscles we can choose a different, color if you'd like and you can check, the colored answer kita provided and see, if you like those colors that's the, guideline I'm going to kind of go by but, you can change the colors there's no, reason that you have to use a particular, color for any organ but I'm going to use, brown and then I'm going to start, putting in some muscles in these areas, where the legs attach so you recognize, this is the backside of the thorax and, so these are like the so down here, you'd have the trochanter you need to, have the femur coming off like that, so this is where the legs come off and, anytime you have motion you have to have, muscles that's what moves things in any, body in a mammal and a reptile and a, bird and in insects muscles are what, makes things move now our muscles are, attached to our bones but of course, insects don't have bones so their, muscles attach to the inside of that, hard exoskeleton the chitin here that's, where the muscles attach now you don't, have to follow exactly what I'm doing, because I don't know exactly what I'm, doing I have searched and searched for, pictures on the internet of wear insect, muscles are and the diagrams are, extremely difficult to find sometimes, you'll find a few that show where the, flight muscles are like in a wing of a, bumblebee and I found one that showed a, little bit where they are up here on the, mandible but this is extremely difficult, to find so we're kind of just winging it, here the main point is that we know that, there's muscles there's got to be lots, of muscles in here and that they attach, to the cytoskeleton for anchoring, because to get power you have to anchor, to something so now some of these might, actually come up and attach to the, exoskeleton kind of out here because, remember this is three to, we're drawing in 2d but the insect is 3d, so maybe one might go from here up to, here so it will kind of just like trail, off and you wouldn't see the end of it, because it's we're imagining it's kind, of coming up at us but however you do, this we'll be fine as long as we, indicate that we know that there are, muscles now the only real insect muscles, that I've seen that I actually knew what, they were was in a dried-out large, grasshopper and they kind of looked like, white chicken meat that was all powdery, and dry it's kind of I don't know, doesn't look too much like muscles so, I'm not putting too many in the top here, because I'm going to use this for some, other little things I have I'm going to, put my little tracheal tubes up here so, I'm kind of keeping the monel bit down, this way so over here we know that, there's muscles that move the mandible, and if you've ever been pinched by an, ant you know that those mandibles are, strong so they would have to be strong, muscles in here controlling the mandible, and it can move its head up and down so, you could put muscles here in the neck, and around the antenna this little, dotted thing here this is where the, antenna you know comes off so the, antenna moves around a lot so you could, have rings of muscles around the antenna, as well and it can also move its abdomen, it can pull its abdomen underneath, itself so there's gotta be muscles here, allowing it to move its abdomen, and one more place you're gonna find, muscles is in this tube but we're gonna, be coloring this a different color so, and these muscles are gonna be sort of, small so this is kind of difficult you, would have these probably rings of, muscles going around here maybe some, also going this way if it's like other, tubes and other little tiny organisms, that I've read about they've you muscles, going this way and muscles going around, both but like I said that's going to be, much harder to see now speaking with, that too let's go ahead and color it, this is what I've written down here is, heart in quotes I'm gonna make mine red, just because well you know hearts have, to be red right and it's not really a, heart not like ours it doesn't have, chambers so it's not a true heart it's, just a tube that contracts so in that, sense it's more like one of our blood, vessels it's just a tube and of course, we've already indicated there it has, muscles that help it to contract and, there are some one-way valves in here, like our blood vessels how it would be a, little vows that would when the when it, when it pushes and squeezes that the, one-way valves would help the fluid to, go in one direction instead of just, going back and forth and going nowhere, it would help to push it through and out, pushing it through and out and so you, get this circulating thing going on and, that's its job is just to swish around, the fluid in here now this would be a, good time to point out though that, there's no blood vessels coming off here, and the ant doesn't have blood so we, have this vessel which if you looked, inside it's not going to look red it, would just look clear and the fluid, around here is just clear also it's, called hemolymph and it's the word hemo, means blood so it functions sort of like, blood but it really isn't and lymph, actually is a very good term it we have, lymph, in our body and this would be very, similar to our lymph fluid that goes, throughout our our lymph system so if, you want to make a note about that, somewhere you can you don't have to, though this is all extra female live is, body fluid I'm going to put no blood, it's just pointing to the white in the, background there so in our bodies one of, the main jobs that the heart and the, blood vessels do is to get oxygen to all, the tissues so that's not true here this, is pushing this hemolymph around but, oxygen is not in the hemolymph the, oxygen comes in through those little, spiracles remember we saw them on the, other side on the external view little, air holes that come in and then there's, tubes that branch off we go everywhere, all over and I'm just using a regular, pencil for these and the most important, thing is that they are going to deliver, oxygen to the muscles because like our, muscles insect muscles they need oxygen, in order to operate so all these little, T's, stretching out everywhere now I don't, think you can really see this find out, growth tubes this will be so small if, you looked under a microscope I don't, even think you can really see these, you'd see maybe some of the large, branches coming in for the sphericals, I'm pretty soon these are going to be, too small to see without a really good, microscope and so these would also have, to go and - you'd have to go through, here into the abdomen there'd have to be, oxygen delivery down to here you need, oxygen for these things, and I don't think there's any it, sometimes there's a spherical right here, this might be one that can lead to this, area and it would have to be tricky, always going here everything needs, oxygen, before I forget my key the tricky ones, tracheal tube okay okay they don't have, to be perfect as long as we know they're, there now something else that branches, all over the place, is the nervous system this bottom line, down here which I'm going to color, purple if you don't have to make it, purple but to me nervous systems are, purple this is actually a lot similar to, our nervous system they go up here we, get to the brain region and there is, this large area they call the brain now, of course it doesn't look or act a lot, like our brain ours has all those little, ridges and bumps and it's really large, and well-developed and with the ant a, better word for the brain would actually, the large gangly on these bumps here, these little lumps are called ganglia, one ganglia on two ganglia and they're, just areas where you have a lot more, nerve cells the cell bodies aren't all, here so it's bigger and then going out, from here you would have a little exons, and dendrites of the nerves you would, have branching because the nerves, control the muscles, if the insecticides I need to jump brain, says get me out of here the I would see, something going and the brain would then, quickly decide we need to jump away a, little run away, and then the signals will be sent out to, the muscles to move just like that our, bodies very very similar so we have, these things all branching out I suppose, you'd have some branching down here too, you must have you must have somewhere, inching down to these muscles ok and, again you want to have to get it all, perfect just that we know that they're, there we know that that's the nervous, system and there's branches going out, from it and you need to have nerves, controlling the glands you'd actually, have some went all the way down here to, control those glands have some, controlling the Hat you'd have some, maybe going and up here and controlling, the contractions of the heart to baby, well though the heart tube might be, mostly kind of just reflex on its own ok, and then let's label right here number, one that's the brain and then they have, a special name kind of for this area, down here but that that right there is, kind of the brain and then these are, called ganglia one ganglion one game, gangway on and make sure that I remember, to collar the box and likey down there, [Applause], I'm just gonna go straight down the list, and do the digestive system next and, that's the middle line I'm coloring now, that's the esophagus tube that takes the, food down to the stomach and up here in, the front part this is called the, pharynx and pharynx basically means, throat so I'll go ahead and label that, pharynx would be number two and this is, the region where the ant would sort out, the food particles, you notice how narrow these areas are, especially the waist here this like, nothing to it, so you can imagine that nothing very big, is going to go through here I mean a, piece of food the size of a sand grain, would be huge you'll never get through, here so basically only a liquid passes, through here big chunks the it would, have spit out in fact pretty small, chunks is going to spit out too so just, liquid can go through so that's the, pharynx this pipe is the esophagus, number three just like ours connects the, throat to the stomach and then down here, this first stomach area is called into, the crop or the social stomach sometimes, you see other words for it too but those, are the most common that would be number, four, and then there's a little valve here, there's a one-way valve that keeps food, from coming up from the area number five, which are now coloring so number five is, going to be its actual stomach similar, to our stomach the equivalent would be, our actual stomach so we don't have, anything like four birds have a crop and, maybe some other animals too but humans, don't have anything like number four and, then number six down here the hindgut, this is a little bit like our large, intestine this is where the food is, processed and made ready to exit through, the anus and you actually do call it, through the anus just like in mammals, now number four the crop or the social, stomach is basically a big storage bag, no digestion takes place here so the ant, can bring food up through the pipe again, and basically spit it if you want to we, use word spit back out its mouth and, this way it can share food and with, other ants now some people say the ant, is vomiting or spitting up or something, no ifs food came up from number five, that would be the ant vomiting when food, comes up from this it's just a storage, area because I mean hey an ant doesn't, have a box or a bag the way we do to, carry things it's an ant just doesn't, have a carrying except for its mandible, can hold things in its mandible but if, it's a liquid what's it going to do and, so this is the storage area so and again, there's a one-way valve here that keeps, things going this way so that food can't, come up from the real stomach and get it, back into here, and then the food passes down to here, and becomes feces and exits now while, we're down this region looks wait a, second let me color in that box don't, forget to color the key and while we're, down here at the stomachs I'm going to, do the amount fit Jian tubules and they, kind of start here and go up like this, they go outside the stomach so we're, gonna have to try to make this look like, it's going over the stomach and then, someone me behind also here just draw, the line through outside so there's, little tubes that act a little bit like, our kidneys these tubes collect chemical, wastes that are floating around in the, fluid here and the hemolymph fluid and, the wastes would come in through here, and then they would be added to the, waste that's already in here so because, these function a little like kidneys you, could say maybe that what they produce, is urine although it's solid so it kind, of doesn't make sense solid urine but if, there's not a lot of water here the, water gets pressed out of it so it only, has one exit so what would be your and, would be feces all come together and go, out to exit there so again these are, mouths bit Jian tubules and they act a, lot like kidneys collecting chemical, wastes from liquid, now for the glans I guess we can just go, and order here I'll start with the meta, plural gland then and this is located, right here I have to add it right here, and that because it says here makes an, antibiotic liquid so it'll it'll exit, onto the surface here a little duct, where this liquid can leak out onto the, surface put a little on the surface like, that there yep and the ant can then, bring its legs up and rub its feet and, legs in this because they're very, flexible and get their legs up there and, then they can distribute that all over, their body so when they groom they can, kind of brush this liquid all over and, this is just a germ killer this is like, taking hand sanitizer you know how we do, and rub it all over our hands this is, the ants personal little sanitizer area, and that keeps it germ-free the neat, thing is that scientists are studying, these chemicals that are made by these, glands because the bacteria are not, becoming resistant to this this stuff, works as well as it has for hundreds of, years as long as I've been studying ants, and our medicines are not working so, well anymore the bacteria are learning, how to not be susceptible to the, medicines so the medicines aren't, working so well so what are we going to, do and we can't fight the bacteria with, the medicines we have well they're, looking to other options as one is well, can we make a medicine from this works, well for the ant will it work for people, I don't know they're studying it okay, the next one is the poison gland and, that would be right back here, and when we say poison we actually mean, kind of an acid it says usually contains, formic acid and forma formic formas is, Latin for ant so it's antacid, if you ever gotten stung by an ant you, know it burns it's it's very it's, burning in the same way that if you get, battery acid on you or even if you get a, little cut and some lemon juice gets in, it something acidic it stings so this is, more of a stinging thing this isn't, actual venom like you'd find in like a, tree frog or a snake, those are total different things they, actually affect your nerves here we just, have something that's extremely, irritating like formic acid and you'll, find some variations in this between ant, species and also in different types of, ants the workers the soldiers etc, there'll be some variation in what's in, it and how it functions and things like, that okay now for the communication, glands and they do have names some of, them this is differs gland and pavements, gland but let's not bother with that, let's just call them communication, glands because that's what they're used, for these glands and there's one up here, to make pheromones which are chemicals, that the ant can sense with their, antennae and and they help them to, communicate things like the food is over, here or there's danger over there for, example the ones in the back these would, be used to spread chemicals to make a, trail and that's how ants can follow, each other the lead in leaves a little, trail drags its abdomen along and leaves, a trail of smelly pheromones and then, the ants behind it they're using their, antennae and they're sensing that and, they're following along that trail, they're not really watching where the, ant goes there smelling where it goes, and some of these too like this one pom, can be used for danger signals, and that that's how it's talk they use, chemicals so they can be used for a, variety of communication purposes, all right the post pharyngeal gland is, right here it's this thing that looks, like a glove for an octopus a lot of, little tubes that come right off the, pharynx and the word post means after, and pharyngeal has to do with the, pharynx so this is the after the pharynx, gland and you can see it comes after at, the back of the pharynx and what this, does takes a little bit of the food as, it's going through and it converts it to, an oily yellow substance that maybe, functions a little bit like fat and our, fat cells so we can store energy for, later use and our food isn't available, our body can tap into the fat cells they, think that that's a little bit what's, going on here but also it seems like, some ants can then take the things back, out and you can go back out the mouth, again and it can share with other answer, with larvae and some ants it looks like, it has something to do with, communication as well but they're not, exactly sure what you're still, researching that but that's the post, pharyngeal gland and then the labial, gland is up here now labia means lips, now ant doesn't have lips but it does, have labial palps it goes behind here, down to here so we don't see the labial, pouch there would be those little finger, like things that help bring food into, the mouth and this is a lot like our, salivary glands which is kind of odd, it's located way up here in the thorax, and it has to stuff ice to come all the, way down here to get to the mouth but, the best comparison is that it's like, our salivary glands and the last gland, we have on here the digestive glands, there's some various glands along the, way it make helpful chemicals, pumping in the digestion process also, that's not ruling out that they might be, is for communication like with an aunt, seems like everything is used for, communication it just exudes chemicals, everywhere it's the aunt is like a, chemical factory which is necessary, because that's how it communicates
Ask HN: Please review my photos to coloring pages startupReallyColor.com officially launched about a month ago (end of Sep 2013) and is being bootstrapped by one of my partners and I. Our tech lets you convert your images into printable coloring book pages. Our primary target is parents (mostly moms) and people who are interested in turning themselves into sketches.
We are noticing a large amount of initial interest in the idea itself, and have seen some initial traction and traffic on our site, but our repeat visitors so far are barely over 10%. Our audience is also more international than expected. We have not built a mobile app yet, but that will be a project soon.
I would love feedback on:
1) Our membership pricing/offerings and what you think about how we tell the user about it.
2) Whether a monthly premium membership would be better than an annual one. Keep in mind our international audience.
3) Other revenue generating ideas (other than advertising).
4) The general user experience (both creating the free coloring page and as a free member).
5) How a mobile app could play into this given that the coloring pages are printable (via PDFs).
Any other thoughts and feedback are also welcome. Thank you!.
,Ask HN: First Client IssuesI am a hiding my name because this is my first client and I don't want people to go looking for my company (though that might be great advertising).
I've got a client that I know through multiple relationship maps (former co-worker of my wife and sibling of a friend of a friend) and while I was not a friend of the sibling, I was an acquaintance.
Client has a cousin doing her Graphical Design but the GD doesn't have any web experience. GD sent over three PDFs, one of all the products, one of the website, and one of the website specs. The website specs did not contain sizing information for the images or the pages, it contained font/spacing/coloring/page flow information.
I asked the GD for the sizing of the web page and was provided an answer. There was some functionality in the site design which I discussed with the client and removed (GD was inaccessible) based on an agreement.
I finished the site and client reviewed making a few changes. Did a second review and then sent the link to the GD for their review. GD commented on the proportions being off and the distortion of some images. I agreed that the dimensions were off, but that's what I was told to go with and if the measurements I have are not right, I need to know what they should be.
I reached out to the GD via phone and e-mail. Did not hear back until I received an e-mail from the client to both of us.
Basically the e-mail's tone was that of threatening if I couldn't finish the project client would find someone who could and that if the GD can't get me the information than the Client doens't know what I'll need. And yadda yadda yadda.
So the question is:
Do I suck it up and make the changes or do I just write this off as a learning experience?
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Long time lurker...
,Show HN: A coloring book of data structures and algorithmsI'm making a coloring book of data structures and algorithms for programmers and students. So far I have a prototype page for a sorting algorithm (albeit a rather simple one).
Here the Selection Sort coloring pages you can print.
And here is how I colored mine.
A coloring book is not quite enough to teach algorithms on its own, but I really get a lot from visual reinforcement of what I learn from books/lectures.
Do you think having coloring pages like this could be a helpful addition to the usual studying approach of textbooks, lectures and online coding practice?
Or is it just a fun little break from coding without too much educational value?.
,Ask HN: Hiring managers and recruiters, how much does resume layout matter?I work at Big 4 and interview people regularly. I get to see the resumes of people who have passed 'resume round' and are now mostly subject to the feedback of the interviewers.
I'm constantly shocked out how many resumes I see that follow none of the best practices everyone involved in 'resume review' talks about. College students with 2+ page resumes. Poor layout choices. Overall 'unprofessional' (font choice, size, coloring, etc) looking. Lots of extra details about their pet, choir, etc. that we're always told to omit unless we're applying at the student union.
Honestly, none of this bothers me. I firmly care more about their accomplishments and ability to perform in the interview than how their PDF looks. But it surprises me that it doesn't seem to concern the people who review candidates purely on their resume. Given some of these resumes, you'd think it was done entirely by a computer. Is it?
Curious what recruiters and hiring managers think about traditional resume best-practices and how much they care about 'bad looking' resumes..
,Opera 10 Beta2 Out Changes since Opera 10 beta
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* browser.js can now be disabled when doing auto update
* DOMContentLoaded now fires when traversing history
* Support for getting localized strings from JavaScript
* Max values now set for the automatic memory cache
* Onload script not executing in frameset where one frame's src is set to '#'
* Hardcoded strings in XML files
* Scope when defining getter for the HTMLElement document prototype
* Regex [^x]* failing to match certain characters
* Recursive regular expression causing stack exhaustion
* A link on the error page for cross-network communication
* Full set of padlock icons for security dialog box
* Improvements made to prevent spoofing of services
* Recognizing EV certificates issued directly from the Root
* Importing certificates
* A placeholder in Opera Turbo for plug-ins that are not loaded yet
* Functionality for switching Opera Turbo mode off for separate image elements
* Now possible to add Opera Turbo configuration files per language
* Improved anti-spoof checking
* Loading an automatically saved session
* Various dialogs with third-party mouse plug-ins installed
* High memory use related to the disk cache on huge torrents
. ,Ask HN: Long landing page or multiple pages?I've noticed that some startups use very long landing pages that seem to describe every feature of their product. I look at those and think they should really be split up over multiple pages. I'm wondering if anybody has any insight as to why those are becoming more popular?
My speculation is that it is for SEO purposes and that somehow one page covering everything is better than more targeted pages covering individual features? I'm seen some guides that imply the latter is a better way to optimize which implies long landing pages are bucking the trend..
,Nick Denton: Pay-for-page-views was too successful,Ask HN: What do you do on your devices, on your own time?I've been kind of burned out/out of ideas for a long time. I just find myself listening to old podcasts I've already heard and opening and closing HN's front page. 20 times in a hour.
So I have a bit of a personal question for you all, to maybe help me (and perhaps others) have ideas on what to actually use my devices for.. what do you actually use your laptop/desktop for? Separately, what do you do with your phone? How do you determine when to use which?
Speaking about non-work hours. Work's usually pretty easy for me.
,Launch HN: Tavus (YC S21) – AI-generated personalized videos for sales outreachHi HN - Hassaan, Quinn & Rishabh here and we're the founders of Tavus (https://tavus.io/). We generate personalized videos that realistically imitate your gestures and voice. See a short demo at https://video.tavus.io/video?id=2302 and play with it at https://tavus.io/playground/.
Companies like Loom and Vidyard have proven the value of personalized videos for sales, onboarding, marketing, and more. The problem is the time it takes to create a video for each prospect. We make it scalable by generating thousands of personalized videos of you in the time it would take to record one. Our users get the benefits of personalized videos, like large increases in open and reply rates, without having to invest all that time.
We struggled with LinkedIn outreach and email marketing at every company we all worked at. It took too many emails and felt spammy. The best responses we got were from emails that we wrote specifically for clients we were particularly interested in. We then tried our hand at video marketing, with generic videos sent to each lead over LinkedIn, which ultimately performed much better than any traditional campaigns we ran.
What if we personalized the videos like we personalize emails at scale? We decided to test that, and the results were incredible. People loved the fact that we sent natural videos with our own voices and faces, and we achieved massive increases in demos booked (250% spike). The sales industry is seeing this shift towards more individualized video content as well; companies like Loom are growing rapidly and seeing validating results such as 4x meetings booked. We also found that these videos perform well outside of sales and marketing, specifically in recruiting, onboarding, and customer success.
To get started with Tavus, users train an AI model with their voice and face, by submitting a 15 minute video recording. Next they set up a base video template(s) that includes the pitch that they will be giving in the video, along with the associated branded landing page and video background. Once that is set up, videos can be generated at the click of a button. One-off videos can be generated in the Tavus portal, or a CSV can be uploaded to process videos in bulk. Videos can also be generated programmatically through the Tavus API. Each video is automatically personalized in the user’s voice for each unique prospect, and can even automatically generate unique backgrounds, such as a prospects LinkedIn profile or website.
People don’t notice imperfections if the content is interesting to them, and unless you are specifically looking for artifacts, Tavus videos are practically indiscernible from a manually recorded video. Therefore our focus is not on generating the most advanced voice-cloning or lip syncing—plenty of great researchers can do that way better than we ever could. Instead it is to provide many immersive personalization options that cater to the customers' leads. A recruiting company can use video outreach very differently than a sales company, and so on. Our core effort is supporting each of those use cases in depth.
Also, people don’t trust videos that have professional green-screen backgrounds, perfect lighting and a voice actor recording for you. They want to see you, see that you are real, they want to hear your voice. In our experience, slight imperfections in your video can actually lead to better outcomes as long as you get the content right, as they make for a more engaging experience. The point is not to fool people into thinking that a recording is fully ‘natural’ but to provide them an immersive experience that is personally relevant to them.
Our revenue is generated from a subscription model. These subscriptions typically include things like video strategy consulting, branded landing pages, and a quota of videos that can be generated per month,
We would love to get your feedback on Tavus, and in particular, hear any ideas you have! We’re super excited about this product, and we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us :) Thank you!.
,How not to get on covered on TechCrunchI launched my startup officially last week (Eureka Science News - http://esciencenews.com - intelligent news aggregator, fully automated, similar to techmeme and Google News, but with full content on the site - check out the /about page if you want to know more). I got amazingly positive feedback from it; got covered on the front page of Drupal with a full write-uo on how I built the site, in details(http://drupal.org/node/261340); Drupal is the open-source CMS I built my site with, so it was my way of giving back to the community.
After that, I figured 'hey! Maybe I actually have a chance with TechCrunch!'. In my mind TC covers only very high profile, tech-related startups, so at first I didn't think that they would be interested by a science news site started part-time by a PhD student in retrovirology ;) So I submitted my story via the form on their contact page. No answer for two days, so I submitted it to Mashable, which wrote a post about the site very quickly (http://mashable.com/2008/05/21/eureka-science-new/). Cool, but the traffic this link generated was much lower than I expected (< 200 views, Drupal gave me > 6000).
I then looked back at TC contact page and noticed a the 'newstip' email link at the top of the page; the contact form is much more visible, but now I can tell that the newstip email link is much more efficient; I wrote a quick mail about my site and the coverage that we got so far on Drupal and Mashable, thinking that it would help getting covered on TechCrunch.
This time they answered promptly; I was very excited! But they said that while my site was very interesting, they like to cover news first and that they were going to pass on this one since we got covered by Mashable, even if they love science.
It's very sad because Eureka Science News is the first vertical I used my intelligent news aggregator for - copyright-free press releases are readily available for most news published daily; I'm looking for VC funding to license Associated Press content to build a website covering all news categories. Getting on TC would have helped for sure!
So don't make the same mistake, submit to TechCrunch FIRST via the newstip email link, not the contact form! At worse, you'll get rejected and you can give the exclusive to someone else ;) I sure wish I did, now I won't know the kind of traffic TC can send (but I'm sure its more than the 200 hits I got from Mashable!). I even had nightmares about it last night, a thing you sure want to avoid ;).
,Ask HN: A Rapportive-esque Email CRM for small businesses and startups?As a small startup that sells to enterprises, we've been looking high and low for a collaboration-centric CRM that bridges the gap between the email and CRM silos, yet we've found almost every solution we've tried wanting, and we've tried a handful to say the least.
While we interact with our customers primarily via email, because most commercial CRMs are a completely separate silo, multiple problems arise:
-We have little or no context (about contacts or opportunities) while looking at an email, although we might have added relevant information / notes to the CRM.
-The email inbox and the CRM are eternally out of sync, necessitating a lot of duplicated data entry and resulting in incomplete account / opportunity information.
-The context-switching overhead associated with frequently toggling between email and the CRM.
What we've really been looking for:
1) Activity Feed: A simple, concise stream of updates for each and every account / opportunity, so we're all on the same page and we've recorded the entire history of our interactions with a customer for posterity.
2) Email Bridge: When the CRM is a separate silo, a huge amount of duplicate data entry results. Tight email integration via a Rapportive-esque widget for GMail / Outlook that lets me associate mails with opportunities, and view contextual information within the inbox. This includes email-CRM sync, so that contacts are up to date.
3) Task Management: A basic task manager that integrates with my calendar and email (the ability to create tasks from emails and have them appear in my calendar) .
4) Simple CRM: The ability to create accounts / opportunities and add collaborators.
5) Mobile: A simple mobile web app to access contacts / relevant data when on the move was imperative.
6) Basic Reporting: A concise dashboard that lets me visualize a few key metrics (optional).
What we observed (I'm covering only some of the more famous tools that we tried. I don't mean to criticize these tools, I'm only trying to point out that they did not work for our use-case):
-Sugar CRM, while infinitely malleable and extensible, was never built for collaboration.
-Salesforce: The same might be said of SalesForce - too complicated / clunky, too focused on reporting / analytics, and too expensive for a small team anyway.
-Fat Free CRM was a bit too spartan and ended up being inflexible to the point that we had to discard it.
-Insightly, a CRM that integrates deeply with Google Apps seemed promising at first blush, but we found it far from usable from a collaboration standpoint. Too many clicks needed to get anything done.
-Highrise was simple and well designed, but their email integration was far too convoluted for our liking.
-Zoho CRM seemed to possess most of the features that we were looking for, but the user experience left so much to be desired that we had to walk away.
-While Rapportive and Xobni certainly have their merits (and I'm a big fan), they're too basic and contact-centric to really considered sales CRMs.
So, is there a simple CRM for startups and small businesses that integrates tightly and plays well with email? Is this a pain point that resonates with any other HNers?
1] I'm aware that a)CureCRM and b)Xobni Pro + the SalesForce Gadget are approximate enterprise versions of what we're looking for, but a small startup like ours cann't afford to use SalesForce.
2] Nimble CRM is a new social CRM for Google Apps that looks quite interesting. They try to be your consolidated inbox, and I'm a bit loath to use anything other than good old GMail for email. I will give them a spin, though..
,Show HN: Dock.ninja host GitHub projects for short duration for demo purposesHello All, this is my first submission to HackerNews. It took me a lot of convincing myself before posting this entry here.
http://dock.ninja is a proof-of-concept application, to host git projects without project page for a short duration.
The intention is to save time:
1. instead of cloning a repo locally and hosting it just to know the workings
2. create a gist page and maintaining it
One sample entry:
As i am learning python & django, i tried developing this application as POC. It would be really helpful to get your reviews and feedback on this application..
,From Idea to Launch! Recmend.com StoryI see food differently. Eating/Cooking tasty, healthy food is my hobby. It gives me a break from all the other things. Somehow, I struggled to achieve the same when I'm away from my kitchen.
Often at work, I feel hungry. Unless you're located near downtown area, your option to step out and get something good is limited. I go to the vending machine, and find the same old junk food. I wanted to create my own virtual vending machine that has snacks I want to eat, and has more varieties. Healthy and still tasty. I tried hunting for solutions on the web without success. I started grocery hopping to discover new snacks for my work. Later I realize that its painful and I found more snack options than what's available in the supermarkets and more affordable too.
I started thinking more about the pain points and started some research. Next day I had the landing page ready using Launchrock. Launchrock is good if you just want something out quickly and attract early beta users but it's kind of limited in expressing your product. I decided to custom build the page, and here it is at www.recmend.com. Give it a try, and let us know your feedback. Likes, dislikes, we're here to learn. Leave a comment if you share the similar pain and share your story..
,VC's: Experienced 50 year old with good ideas. Will you talk to me?For context:
I have a ton of business and tech experience. I've launched several garage businesses. One did really well but the economy, circumstances and a perennially under-funded state (hardware is capital intensive) killed it. All were interesting experiences.
I've never raised any money. I self-funded everything I've ever done. The last one to the tune of over half a million dollars of my own money. I am no stranger to being all-in and putting it all on the line for something I believe in.
Circumstances are different now. Either I take my time and bootstrap from small to large projects or look for investors.
Sadly, I will not move to SV and I will not live on noodles. Bummer.
I have identified two opportunities I think have merit.
The first is a pure software web/mobile service. As is often the case, it is a twist on existing product. I believe the twist is what makes it very interesting, gives it wide appeal and could make it huge. It can go global. I have a 70 page deck covering just about every aspect of this venture. No, it's not a new Facebook. It's a B-to-B, C-to-C (and permutations thereof) service.
The second is a novel use of quadcopters. No regulatory issues I am aware of. Sizable world-wide appeal. This is definitely a case of first-mover advantage. With proper funding and support, execution would be fast and painless. This wouldn't be a an R&D project. This is a D project. Define, develop and go to manufacturing. Heard of "live long and prosper"? This one is "move fast and conquer". Probably the Klingon version. I don't have a deck on this one. It's a recent discovery of mine and I've put zero time into developing a deck. With one video I can show anyone this is a good idea.
Looking for a low impedance bank account to help launch either or both of these..
,Filter HN for GitHub storiesI am most interested in HN posts from github. I like cloning the repos and trying them out. I usually ctrl-F "github" and go page-for-page through HN. Is there a better way to filter by news source?.
,Ask HN: What is a fair price to write a tech book?Dear Hacker News,
I have recently been contacted by a publishing company and have been asked to write a 150 - 180 page book covering the essentials of Zendesk (a large company that sells support request software) and I am wondering what would be fair compensation for this work. My timeline is 1.5 months for the 1st draft and here is their explanation of payment:
"We would be paying you an advance against future royalties of 16% which is worth around $1000 (depending on the estimate writing timeline) and split across the writing timeline. Shorter the timeline higher the advances. Normally the breakdown of the advance is:
50% of advance for delivery and acceptance of the first draft of all chapters.n 25% of advance for delivery and acceptance of the final draft of all chapters.n 25% of advance upon publication. "
If I understand this right, 1000$ with no future royalties sounds extremely low, given the time it would take to write a book, but what would a fair price be?
,Rate my product - mostrecent.nethttp://mostrecent.net/
My idea: to build a community of topical-hand-edited news pages. I want to start in the tech community working to recruit editors/experts to build pages covering programming languages and popular technologies. Think of it as an alternative to blogs, tweets, and social link sites. Here an expert can build out a page with the most useful links and highlight news items that he/she knows are important to the community. Everything is tabulated into one easy to scan page. This is all managed via a drop and drop interface.
The short intro video should give more context about how the site works:
I'm just getting out of my 'soft launch' phase and the JavaScript page I've built has already started making the rounds and gaining regular readers. It is a good example of what I'm going for:
We are still in beta and more features are coming. My eventual business plan is to place ads on the pages with an aggressive editor rev share program. There are a number of pages at various levels of development on the site, but I know for a fact we still need pages covering ruby, java, flash, perl, lisp, tech startups, apple, c# and much more (in case anyone is interested).
Thanks for your time and attention! I look forward to your feedback..
,Ask HN: Bounty – iOS doesn't hold my scroll position when going back to HNThis is a problem that's been frustrating me here on HN when using iOS Safari on iPhone 12 Pro Max:
When visiting any link on HN, whether it goes to another HN page or external website, then using the Back button or back swipe to return, my scroll position is not held. The page appears to reload and I'm left at the top of the page. The only way to hold my scroll position is to open the link in a new tab with a long press.
This doesn't happen on any other mobile site for me. Also doesn't happen when using Chrome on MacOS in mobile emulation mode.
Have tried closing all tabs, logging out of HN, quitting browser, deleting HN Safari cache, rebooting phone, all to no avail.
$20 Venmo or PayPal to first commenter with a solution. :).
,Ask HN: Startup Living NYCStartup Living NYC
I just made it to the city with everything I own and version one of my product SureDone - I've got some resources including http://www.linkedlistnyc.org , http://www.generalassemb.ly , http://startupdigest.com/new-york-city/ , and http://wiki.coworking.info/w/page/16583629/CoworkingNewYorkCity to keep one busy for time to come.
I'm looking for startup centric living resources like startup housing or targeted communities. Low rent options to give time for new resident me to establish a home. Cheap safe places to sleep in the city at night would be of most help.
I came here to make friends, win peers, trade labor, and build internet business, win or die...
Any help is greatly appreciated..
,David Hepworth on (closing) magazines and beyond
Reddit Images 71
![Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/lbAEi0F64VSIAbHxi4VWKYtlgfNqM-kfT2bR_Sqlt88.jpg)
Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe 0
![page coloring for ch 171.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/hBFm25aQbNRJmIZqNO8oy1ZZv6Bo0vxm-W_8dQ0pvZs.jpg)
page coloring for ch 171. 1
![Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page)](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/XZo1NzuSPkC8WLy7M0_FrsM0L_zHcPPT1ubZumUa_CM.jpg)
Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page) 2
![What’s this bug? Assuming it’s a variety of ant, but haven’t seen any with that coloring before. Northeast Ohio, in an apartment. Thank you!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/OiGS87deQZew_Z9HBL1lotS5DcwTiNYmzC4S_U7wfkI.jpg)
What’s this bug? Assuming it’s a variety of ant, but haven’t seen any with that coloring before. Northeast Ohio, in an apartment. Thank you! 3
![Ant-Man Quantumania script page leaked and this scene with Kang and Ant-Man is really something!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/KyxQarRriRI85fpHAdLPDAT_btNmTmw2Fxlh9Grr0Us.jpg)
Ant-Man Quantumania script page leaked and this scene with Kang and Ant-Man is really something! 4
![[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/UpND8E4BNg1WhQTCR-abwBBWY92st_o_Fk8WDcz91bk.jpg)
[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts! 5
![[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/VFVEf9PU99KuWqs0aJmoig5ZLlmEurIH9KVdH7n-PIY.jpg)
[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book 6
![Connecticut, USA. looks like a meat ant but the coloring is different (purple thorax, pink abdomen, purple eyes, yellow antennae and legs) so im not exactly sure what species it is](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/MKJRmOk_JRuedt_rbJvOmvcLYgSLsDj0OeNO2zXw6nw.jpg)
Connecticut, USA. looks like a meat ant but the coloring is different (purple thorax, pink abdomen, purple eyes, yellow antennae and legs) so im not exactly sure what species it is 7
![First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts?](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/_2Tnv58bRUka8-J_Emi0h7RWEwoPRJ8bku9Puf1X_7Y.jpg)
First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts? 8
![Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/2WMOLIbd6Bn01dzzddA-u0galNhH0R93ZRpI11T8glk.jpg)
Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book 9
![{Artwork} Finally finished working on the coloring of this mask-less Spider-Gwen. It's about 98% pencils, with 2% of it in gel pen. It's a page from Marvel's WOMEN OF POWER coloring book, w/original art by Emanuela Lupacchino from Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #6 (Cover B Variant).](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/YAEfhyom4uwT9osbCGOcZgAkzZyaOI82wYYQYjgwxUw.jpg)
{Artwork} Finally finished working on the coloring of this mask-less Spider-Gwen. It's about 98% pencils, with 2% of it in gel pen. It's a page from Marvel's WOMEN OF POWER coloring book, w/original art by Emanuela Lupacchino from Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #6 (Cover B Variant). 10
![My coloring of the cover page for Ch. 159](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/qNOcmXJuKiU6GWZ82l7FaEeS0ORzjAGI9czq5ih7WCU.jpg)
My coloring of the cover page for Ch. 159 11
![This took SO many hours and it isn't even technically the first page... Maybe I should have picked something easier for my first time trying adult coloring, but I've always been ambitious.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/orqUuZs6ZGCOU747mH_2ezUM5oAjuP4DqxskrYUqnWU.jpg)
This took SO many hours and it isn't even technically the first page... Maybe I should have picked something easier for my first time trying adult coloring, but I've always been ambitious. 12
![Colored a page in my Horror Coloring Book (with colored pencils)! Available on Amazon + 5 Free Downloadable Coloring Pages 💀 See links in comments, thank you!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/rk1uLp7wuu9iM6e4SGKezC3oRXIyl7x8G1lhWXGGPqg.jpg)
Colored a page in my Horror Coloring Book (with colored pencils)! Available on Amazon + 5 Free Downloadable Coloring Pages 💀 See links in comments, thank you! 13
![I TRIED to colour this Melanie Martinez coloring book page.I'll do more of these.](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/L7mEBp38e5e6AFCm9O_9MeAJAbT-bPtp2LPtjJJ7mWw.jpg)
I TRIED to colour this Melanie Martinez coloring book page.I'll do more of these. 14
![I colored an Empires-themed page from the latest Hermits and Friends Coloring Book](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/Tb8Sw-bmXcXReY_VEcQ6HwfbKAMX6dnP5v9kNHvCnT0.jpg)
I colored an Empires-themed page from the latest Hermits and Friends Coloring Book 15
![coloring page!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/WkXxlRF1JzkMMfVU62btsTkn_a7HjLfHr7_CKbd-zmA.jpg)
coloring page! 16
What are Ant Man coloring pages?, What are Ant Man coloring pages?, Why are ant coloring pages popular among kids?, Why are ant coloring pages popular among kids?, How do I print the coloring page?, How do I print the coloring page?, Is there a free coloring page for Spiderman?, Is there a free coloring page for Spiderman? , What are Ant Man coloring pages?, What are Ant Man coloring pages?, Why are ant coloring pages popular among kids?, Why are ant coloring pages popular among kids?, How do I print the coloring page?, How do I print the coloring page?, Is there a free coloring page for Spiderman?, Is there a free coloring page for Spiderman?
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